Network Security

Your network is as secure as it’s weakest link

Network SecurityIn this uncertain time of cybercrime and malware attacks, Network Security is on everyone’s mind. How secure is your network? Let Encompass IT INC help you learn where you’re at and get your business to up speed with the best and latest practices to keep your network safe and give you peace of mind.

At Encompass IT Inc we take a proactive approach to secure your network. We use top industry standards, multi-layered defensive strategies, we secure known vulnerabilities, and educate the end-user to help you keep your business secure.

Encompass IT INC is here to:

  • Secure your internet with the latest and best options for you, using business-class routers, firewalls, VLAN’s, encryption, and IP sec-VPN connections
  • Secure your physical servers and data
  • Virus/Malware/ Spyware protection and removal
  • Alerting your staff to the newest threats and training

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